When My Husband and I went to the Rotary Sock Sale in Osage (now, the story is getting old, but there really was a LOT to tell), I stopped in a stitching store on the main street (not knowing if it's called Main Street, but there is really a main street with shops and Teluwat Restaurant). I asked the clerk if they had any wool fabric. They had LOTS of fabric, so it was likely . . . but no. They then kindly asked if I had been to UNI (huh?).
The two women were described the shop. They were telling me what I might find there RIGHT when My Husband strolled in the store, finding me in the midst of this nice conversation. Trapped in a wool trap, I was. He was very nice about it and we followed the little map that the women prepared for us. With the map, I was hoping to get some snacks, but it was not that far from downtown Osage. It was really a bike ride away, not even a car ride.
When we arrived at Ewe and Eye, there was a little sign at the end of the drive to welcome customers. The shop is housed in a little out building at a residence. It's a Mom and Daughter deal, with LOTS of wonderful rug-hooking supplies. It was so fabulous that even a knitter could find some goods!