Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sweden Yarn Mail

From a visit to Uppsala, Sweden, an awaited package arrives chock full of yarnly goodnesses. The grey and multi-colored yarn (top, left) is for a stripy sweater, Noro sock yarn (top right) for a pair of stranded-design wristlets/fingerless gloves and the hand-dyed red cotton (bottom, center) is NYD (not yet designated). Yumm!

All from here:


Knitarina said...

Isn't that a lovely shop?! If I´m lucky, I´ll go to Uppsala in a couple of weeks for work. Guess where I´ll try to squeeze in a visit..?
Look forward to see the striped sweater in what I guess is Visjögarn from Östergötlands ullspinneri. Love that yarn!

Lillysmuul said...

Whata beautiful bagfull!