aerobics: low impact - 170
aerobics: high impact - 238
elliptical trainer: general - 213
calisthenics: vigorous, jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, pullups - 272
weight lifting: light/moderate - 108
weight lifting: vigorous - 207
running: 6.7 mph (9 min/mile) - 374
walk: 4 mph (15 min/mi) - 170
stretching: mild, hatha yoga - 85
ice skating: moderate intensity - 238
sledding, toboggan, bobsled - 238
skiing/snowboarding: downhill, moderate effort - 204
operating a snow blower: walking - 153
shoveling snow: by hand - 238
vacuuming - 119
cleaning house: general, light - 87
decorating Christmas tree - 85
food shopping: with cart - 78
Christmas shopping - 78
playing w/kids: moderate effort - 153
baking and food preparation - 136
unloading car - 102
Promising not to write about this for too long, I have done some of the above activities like Christmas shopping (mostly in my own home) and food preparation (specialty--pizza in the toaster oven).
reading: sitting - 44
standing in line: light, holding items - 68
sitting, watching TV - 34
writing Christmas cards - 61
wrapping gifts - 51
socializing, standing - 61
playing cards - 51
I was asking him to let me know how many calories that I had possibly burned doing the following:
watching My Husband shovel snow in the driveway?
watching My Neighbor clear the driveway using his snow blower?
knitting: sitting?
vacuuming with an early 1990's canister-model vacuum?
watching My Husband vacuum with an early 1990's canister-model vacuum?
or while putting together this:
Here is a LOT of caloric intake.
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